Low-Income Housing Tax Credits 101
Thurs, July 18, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Join us for the first webinar in our 3-part summer Affordable Housing webinar series! During this first webinar, Partner Elizabeth Harriger will provide an overview of the process for obtaining Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs). This discussion of milestones during the LIHTC process includes the 10% Test, Development Cost Certification, and 8609 Issuance. Calculating the LIHTCs will also be covered during this online presentation.
Attendees of this McKonly & Asbury Webinar will gain insight on the following:
This free, one-hour webinar will take place on Thursday, July 18 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. One "Tax" CPE credit is available for this webinar. The level for this webinar is basic and no prerequisites are required. This program is a live webinar which offers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters.